World Manufacturing Forum 2020
11 November
4:30 PM – 5:15 PM CET

POLICY & PEOPLE: A Comprehensive Industrial Policy to Adapt to the “New Normal” Society after the Covid-19 Pandemic
Industrial policy aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector and, as a result, the whole economy. This strategy gives also the tools to face global challenges and seize the opportunities offered by new technologies and the single market.
The Coronavirus pandemic sheds light on the ongoing dynamics complicating both policy and company responses. They are consequential when appropriate policy reactions come, corporates respond with long term strategies and investment positioning.
Industrial policies should take into consideration the above trends to ensure an industrial renaissance for a global prosperity, with a new agile model, able to reduce bureaucracy.
- Pierre Gattaz: President, Business Europe
- Stefan Pan: Delegate of the President of Confindustria for Europe, Confindustria
- Lucilla Sioli: Director for “Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry” Directorate-General CONNECT, European Commission
Watch the video of the Plenary Session 2

Pierre Gattaz
President, Business Europe
Stefan Pan
Delegate of the President of Confindustria for Europe, Confindustria