Green header 2024


14/10 - 15/10 | Big Theatre, MIND Milano Innovation District, Milan, Italy

MIND Milano Innovation District, Milan, Italy

Planning on attending the 2024 edition of the World Manufacturing Forum?
Find out more about this year’s extraordinary new venue in the heart of MIND Milano Innovation District, how to get to the Big Theatre and where to stay.

About Big Theatre - MIND Milano Innovation District

MIND Milano Innovation District is the new Italian centre of scientific excellence and district of the city.

It is a vast and contemporary international district. This place of knowledge and sustainable growth is open to anyone who innovates, does research or studies, to institutions and companies alike – to people’s lives.

Big Theatre is a unique space, of its kind. A redesigned space starting from the Expo Studios. A redevelopment project that wanted to maintain and enhance the existing architecture and industrial design, total black.
A total area of 3.900sqm, indoor and outdoor.
A ceiling that reaches 14mt in height.
An audience of 3.500 people at the same time.

Big Theatre is a unique space, for everyone. A space without walls, without barriers, without limits, where to free up creativity and scenic vision.




14 and 15 October, 2024


Big Theatre, MIND Milano Innovation District, Milan, Italy

Viale Decumano

Visit MIND Milano Innovation District website


A brand new state of the art complex.

Directions and Nearby Hotels

How to Get There

Address: Viale Decumano, 20157 Milano

By Car. Approx. 25 mins from Milan, 55 mins from Bergamo. Enter through Cargo 6 at Via Achille Grandi – Rho, Milan (Ponte 17), and follow the signs for Big Theatre. For Google Maps directions please click here.
By Plane. Nearest airports: Milan Linate, Milan Malpensa, Milan Bergamo
By Train. Nearest train station: Rho – Fiera Milano
By Subway. Stop at Rho Fiera, follow the signs for MIND, and once you exit the metro, follow the signs for Big Theatre (a 10-minute walk, a free shuttle service will be available). For Google Maps directions please click here.


Nearby Hotels

Partner hotels will be announced soon.

Pedestrian Path

Car Route

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