Back to the Future: Emerging Topics for Long Term Resilience in Manufacturing

17/05 - 20/10 | Virtual Focus Groups

Back to the Future: Emerging Topics for Long Term Resilience in Manufacturing

Resilience is a fundamental driver for competitiveness, allowing organisations to face future challenges and unexpected disruptions.

The 2021 edition of Back to the Future, a yearly initiative coordinated by the World Manufacturing Foundation, will explore emerging topics for long-term resilience in manufacturing.

The focus of this year’s research will be on building stronger global value chains and on people and policies as enablers of future developments.

As part of the project, 9 focus groups, each led by specialists, will discuss cogent manufacturing topics, developing a collaborative white paper.

The 9 final whitepapers will provide manufacturing stakeholders with innovative recommendations to ensure their ability to thrive.

The 9 topics will be publicly presented and discussed during a number of dedicated sessions in the 2021 World Manufacturing Forum.





The topics that will be discussed and their respective group-leaders, are:

AI as an Enabler for Long Term Resilience in Manufacturing

Led by Erwin Rauch, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Glocalisation in Manufacturing: Redesigning Supply Chains

Led by Giuseppe Linati, ChemChina


National and Regional Perspectives - Stimulus to the Pandemic

Led by Cinzia Guido, InterDigital


Trend Driven Innovation in Manufacturing

Led by Fernando Alberti & Federica Belfanti, LIUC Università Cattaneo


Women in Manufacturing

Led by Cristina Oyon, SPRI Group – Basque Government


Challenges and Opportunities for Manufacturing SMEs in Developing Countries

Led by Felipe Lechuga, Lemaco

Modular Microfactories

Led by Randy Zadra, Integris


The Evolving Role of Competence Centres for Long Term Resilience in Manufacturing

Led by Efe Erdem, MESS Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası şirketinde


Young Entrepreneurs in the New Era of Sustainability and Digitalisation

Led by Giorgia Munari, La Termoplastic F.B.M., Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori Varese