World Manufacturing Week 2020
Young Manufacturing Leaders Main Event – Opening session
Young Manufacturing Leaders
10 November 2020
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM CET
On line event

The initiative will open a 5-day Young Manufacturing Leaders Event focused on giving YML members different opportunities to strengthen their soft skills and enlarging their network of contacts.
This first session will represent a chance for the partners of the project and YMLs to meet and discuss about the aim of the network and the role of City-Hubs in enlarging it. Speakers will be invited from the industry sector as well as from YML City Hubs.
Some YMLs will be invited to share their experiences in participating to the project Back to the Future: Manufacturing Beyond Covid-19, an initiative promoted by World Manufacturing Foundation. At the end of this first sessions, YMLs will be given the opportunity to schedule 1:1 meetings with other participants.
This opportunity will be available until November, 15.
Young Manufacturing Leaders
Young Manufacturing Leaders network was launched in 2020 by six partners:
- Politecnico di Milano;
- Chalmers University of Technology;
- Czech Technical University in Prague;
- Tecnalia;
- Technische Universität Braunschweig;
- World Manufacturing Foundation.
The project is funded by the European Commission, within the framework of the EIT Manufacturing programme.