World Manufacturing Week 2021
20 October

Financial Tools for a New Economic Management
Organised by LIUC Università Cattaneo and World Manufacturing Foundation

Dialogues between Lombardy and Consular Corps: how to involve companies to become smart&green
Organised by Confindustria Lombardia, Lombardy Region, Consular Corps in Milan and Lombardy, World Manufacturing Foundation

Smart Systems and Smart Platforms transformation towards Industry 5.0: experience and lessons learned from SAE and I4MS experiments
Organised by Smart4europe2/SAE, I4MS, AI REGIO

Recommendations to encourage attraction, thrive and leadership of women in the manufacturing industry
Organised by SPRI and World Manufacturing Foundation

Your Swiss Tech Experience: an opportunity for innovative Italian SMEs, start-ups and scales-ups active in the sector of advanced manufacturing and robotics
Organised by Swiss Business Hub Italy

Invest in Italy in manufacturing sector
Italian Trade Agency in collaboration with Invitalia Agency in the framework of Invest in Italy program

Tech Beauty Contest 2021
Organised by DIH Lombardia and World Manufacturing Foundation
In partnership with: Cluster Fabbrica Intelligente
21 October

Skills Evolution for Industry 4.0: an integrated analysis to enhance talents attraction and retention
Organised by GI GROUP SPA

Digitalization and Circular Economy as enabling factors in SMEs innovation processes
Organized by Confartigianato Imprese Lombardia on behalf of the partnership of the project “PMI NETWORK” granted by Interreg V-A Italy-Switzerland 2014-2020 Cooperation

EDIH Manufacturing Network
Organised by MADE – Competence Center Industry 4.0, BI-REX, CIM 4.0, SMACT and the Digital Innovation Hub Lombardy