
New Industrial Relations: How Manufacturing will change in a post-Covid World

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New Industrial Relations: How Manufacturing will change in a post-Covid World

Paola Astorri



The Focus Group “New Industrial Relations: how manufacturing will change in a post-Covid world”– developed within the World Manufacturing Foundation’s Project “Back to the Future: Manufacturing Beyond Covid-19 – has addressed topics related to the evolution of the Industrial Relations systems with regard to the ongoing transformation of work organization.

A process of change that has been accelerated by the Covid pandemic.

Within this context, the paper analyses the role of collective bargaining, in order to discuss its relevant possible evolution: on the one hand, increase of the role of collective bargaining vs further decline, and, on the other hand, possible evolution of the structure and articulation of collective bargaining: local/company collective bargaining vs national/sectoral level bargaining.

The paper also addresses the issue of how Health & Safety at the workplace has been managed during the Covid – crisis, to discuss and evaluate, also looking at the post-Covid phase, if an industrial relations practice has been followed in the different areas represented in the group or if unilateral approaches have been adopted.

A final issue which has been discussed refers to how the need to limit the employer’s liability has been addressed in the participants’ Countries for the cases of the worker’s contagion from Covid-19.

A working group formed by high -level experts from China, Japan, USA, European Union (Spain, Italy) representing academic, business and institutions has worked to exchange views, national experiences, evaluations in a comparative and challenging perspective, all conveyed in the paper.