World Manufacturing Week 2020
Techs & Skills
New skills and work organization for the Digital Age on the shopfloor
Paolo Neirotti Presentation
BoostUp! EIT M
Italian Excellence
Panel Presentation
Marina Damaggio, Head of Partnership and Sector Based Analyses Office Foreign Direct Investment Department, Italian Trade Agency
Panel Presentation
Marco D’Acunto, Senior Project Manager – Hi-tech sector, INVITALIA
Regione Valle D’Aosta Presentation
Apulia Presentation
Autonomous Province of Bolzano Presentation
Autonomous Province of Trento Presentation
Campania Presentation
Emilia-Romagna Presentation
Lazio Presentation
Liguria Presentation
Lombardy Presentation
Marche Presentation
Piedmont Presentation
Sicily Presentation
Tuscany Presentation
YML Main Event
Opening session
Marco Taisch, Scientific Chairman,
World Manufacturing Foundation
Essay Contest Award
Mark L. Casidsid, Lead Scientific and Strategic Projects, World Manufacturing Foundation
Next Generation EU
Le risorse europee per il ciclo di programmazione 2021-2027
Regione Lombardia Presentation
The role of the EUSALP Action Group 1 to promote an effective Research and Innovation ecosystem in the Alpine Region
Anna Giorgi – AG1 Leader Presentation
Digital Age
AI enriched multispectral elaboration to detect contaminants on steel surfaces
Pierluigi Petrali Presentation
Next Generation Fresh Fish
Nuno Gouveia Presentation
Using AI to Enable the Next Manufacturing Revolution: the 3D Printing Robot
Emil Johansson Presentation
Raising quality through data-driven rework in the automotive industry
Dr. Christian Hertle Presentation
Robotics as a Service for SME’s
Christoph Günther Presentation
Spixify Your Industry
André Joly Presentation
Human in the AI Loop
Sebastian Bardy Presentation
Development of a digital manufacturing demonstrator for Industry 4.0 training
Prof. Denis Dowling Presentation
MACH40 Manufacturing for the Digital Age
Pedro Arrazola Presentation
Collaborative and Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Gonçalo Figueira Presentation
AI in manufacturing – paradigm of Greece
LMS Presentation
Industry 4.NOW
It’s now time for Data Driven Business Processes
SAP Presentation – Opening
Our Decade of Delivery for Climate. Tackling the Challenge of the 21st Century Together
SAP Presentation – Closing
Real case implementation scenarios of MESs and Industrial IoT technologies
Derga Presentation
Predictive Maintenance: efficient management of assets in RetiPiù
Espedia | ICM.S Presentation
The importance of planning and scheduling systems to optimize the workload on production departments
Syscons Presentation
Smart Logistic Solutions
VARBMS Presentation
SMEs Digitalization & DIHs
Smart Anything Everywhere. Empowering SMEs in the Digital Age
Meike Reimann Presentation
Isabelle Chartier, Coordinator Presentation
Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs
Ricardo Goncalves, Coordinator Presentation
SMART4ALL – An extensive network of Digital Innovation Hubs for boosting technology and business development in South, Eastern and Central Europe
Nikolaos Voros Presentation
Smart4Europe2 – CSA – Supporting the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative
Melike Reimann Presentation
The Italian network of DIHs and Competence Centers
Giuseppe Linati, General Director, DIH Lombardia, Presentation
Preparing the network of European DIHs: lessons learned and recommendations
Anne-Marie Sassen, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Connect Presentation
FZI Research Center for Information Technology
FZI Presentation
Digitalization of Manufacturing: Building the ecosystem for a smart and sustainable future
EDIHs Panel Presentation
Empowering the manufacturing Network
Addressing the innovation challenge in SMEs
Josip Kotlar, PhD Presentation
Strategical partnerships in local innovation ecosystems a catalyst for the competitive growth
Marco Tarabini Presentation
Success story: Scatolificio Lariano
Davide Riva Presentation
Building a florid innovation ecosystem on the top of education, research and technology transfer
Andrea Barni Presentation
Panel Presentation
Research-Industry Open Innovation Contests for Advanced Manufacturing
Nicola Doppio Presentation